Radiation (click to enlarge)
When ionizing radiation is emitted by or absorbed by an atom, it can liberate a particle (usually an electron, but sometimes an entire nucleus) from the atom. Such an event can alter chemical bonds and produce ions, usually in ion-pairs, that are especially chemically reactive. This greatly magnifies the chemical and biological damage per unit energy of radiation.
Ionizing radiation includes cosmic rays, alpha, beta and gamma rays, X-rays, and in general any charged particle moving at relativistic speeds. Neutrons are considered ionizing radiation at any speed. Ionizing radiation includes some portion of the ultraviolet spectrum, depending on context. Radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, and visible light are normally considered non-ionizing radiation, although very high intensity beams of these radiations can produce sufficient heat to exhibit some similar properties to ionizing radiation, by altering chemical bonds and removing electrons from atoms.

Radiation (click to enlarge)
Transmutation of Radiation Keche Foundation on the Transmutation of Radiation Creating Magnets which attract ANY material, including radioactive elements http://www.wakingtimes.com/2014/01/31/simple-solutions-fukushima-keshe-foundation/
Hutchinson Effect and Schematics Bio-remediated small portion of Gulf after Katrina…crazy, but it works. http://vimeo.com/24112635
Hutchinson’s research on Frequency Shield ( coast of Oregon) www.liferaygroup.com Forum and technical videos
Ken Shoulders Transmutation Of Radiation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwRmjnBC8P8
The Searle Effect to Neutralize Radiation http://www.searlsolution.com/technology.html
Transmutation of radioactive elements using the Roy Process http://www.gdr.org/photontransmutation.html
How to Neutralize Radiation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yxTotA604M Longish video, but interesting information
Pier Luigi Ighina's device that purports to neutralize radiation http://www.rexresearch.com/ighina/ighina.htm
Lattice Nested Hydrino Atomic Model http://www.lnhatom.com/radwaste.html Some pro-bono work may be available for non-profit, humanitarian agencies.
Harmonic frequency analysis of acoustic Barkhausen noise on neutron irradiated material
See Also
04 - Molecular Radiation
10 - Chart Defining the Angles of Radiation
12.30 - Thermal Radiation and Thermal Vacuum or Cold
12.32 - Ionization
17.08 - Gravitation and Radiation Russell
17.09 - Gravitation and Radiation Hatonn
6.1 - Reciprocal Radiations
absorbed radiation dose
Atomic Cluster Ionization
Celestial Radiation and Terrestrial Outreach
Celestial Radiation
Celestial Sympathetic Radiation
Electromagnetic Radiation
Figure 15.03 - Opposing Forces of Gravity and Radiation
Figure 17.00 - Opposing Forces of Gravitation and Radiation
Figure 6.2 - Opposing Repellant Dispersive Radiations Neutralizing at Interface Plane of Inertia
Figure 9.4 - Radiation and Absorption interactions with Neutral Center
Ionization Energy
Mehran Tavakoli Keshe
Penning Ionization
Sympathetic Radiation