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The foregoing is a very brief outline to give of one who is illumined with new knowdedge that could advance our world three thousand years in but ten, if those with inner ears will but listen to the message we shall endeavor to extend to them in this book.
From the time of his great illumination in 1929 to March 1946 my husband had worked dedicatedly alone in his tireless endeavor to awaken within man the recognition of these heretofore unknown Cosmic Laws. The most difficult thing to do is to give new knowledge, for man ever resists change, thinking that which he has at the moment is the "best" there is in life. Traditional teachings are so strong in man that it is easier to remember and repeat the ideas that were transcendent 1,000 years before, but which become archaic with the passing of time, than it is to think and reason in the direction of change.
My first physical contact came with my husband through that now epochal little book written by Glenn Clark entitled "THE MAN WHO TAPPED THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE." A dear friend gave this to me the very month it was first released. The story of our coming together after this introduction will be told in another book but suffice it to say that that introduction – or the coming together through that little book – was as inevita-
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able as that night should follow day. I knew when I read my husband's words quoted therein that the fulfillment of my own destiny had come. For the first time in my life I found in another's words the confirmation of my own inner knowing. I recognized in him that Light which was also in me and knew that henceforth, our two ways must be one.
It has been said that one Illuminate always recognizes another, no matter what words are used. When I read fragments of his scientific knowledge contained in that book I recognized what had also been made known to me during my own illumination - more especially what he had said about God's universe, which man terms "empty space." God had said to me "You shall know space but never emptiness." Glenn Clark had told how God had taken my husband up into a high mountain and there revealed to him the rich fullness of the secrets of the universe which lie within that which was but empty space to the senses of man. The firm conviction that his thinking and mine were like the two swings of a pendulum, and the strong intuition that our message to civilization was the same message that I had been prepared for since the age of three, and the life long inner knowing that I was to fulfill my message with another, completely filled me with knowledge that herein was the fulfillment of my destiny. I unhesitatingly called him on the telephone from another city and was not in the least surprised to hear him say: "I recognize your voice. I have heard it within me for long years. I shall come to you at once."
When he came we immediately began to formulate plans for giving his message and mine to the world as one, for many years ahead, in spite of the fact that he was nearing 75 years of age at that time. This seems almost unbelievable, but that is actually what happened. We both knew that our destiny was one and we also knew each other as Illuminates. That was enough. From that moment our lives and all that we possessed were dedicated to the fulfillment of that which had been commanded to both of us.
God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. It is amazing how little man comprehends his moment to moment
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closeness to God. Man's individual and collective destiny are of as much a moment to moment concern of the Creator, as each brush stroke of a painter's creation is of moment to moment concern to him. One of God's ways in His giving of love to man is to transform men into geniuses and Illuminates and send them into the world to unfold the spiritual natures or man through new knowledge of man's divine Oneness with His Creator. Ever since the Dawn of Consciousness these messengers have come, and each has been given his specific work to do for man, which he must do, even though the cross awaits him for his service to man.
My husband's command is to give man a dynamic knowledge of God through knowledge of His invisible universe, and His ways and processes of creating His visible one. The purpose of my husband's long preparation for giving this knowledge is to awaken the Light within man to a knowledge of his own divinity.
My command is to give humanity a living philosophy based upon scientific knowledge of Love and God's ways and processes in relation to mate-pairs, which man has never had. Civilization can never find balance in its human relations until these principles of equal mate-hood are applied.
My specific work is to progress mankind by giving the world a mother, which the world has never had, and can never become united until it has that needed mother. God creates His ideas in mate-pairs and places one half of His every idea in its mate-half. This is a fundamental principle of Creation which is based upon the principle of balance in the giving and regiving of love. It was made known to me that as long as this great world home of man is man-dominated we would have wars, disunity and the lack of love which always accompanies any family home, which is man-dominated and woman suppressed. The backward countries of the world are those which suppress their wmen. The progress of every country is measured by its approach to man-woman mental equality. Man still remembers his killings for survival in his primate days while woman remembers her giving of life. Man-domination builds an impossible civilization built upon the man-half of God's balanced idea. It was com-
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manded of me to balance the whole of God's idea by equalizing the mate-pairs which constitute an enduring civilization. Knowing this we both fully understood that neither his Message of The Divine Iliad for all mankind, and my message of the motherhood of man could come fully to fruition without being both mentally fathered and mothered in accord with God's way in all things. I, therefore, fully understood the deep meaning of his words when he said to me: "At last you have come to mother my work for man and for me to father yours, for our message to man is still in the womb awaiting our unity.''
This was the purpose of my long preparation which saw its first fruits in my books "GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU," "SCIENTIFIC ANSWER TO HUMAN RELATIONS" and our year's ''HOME STUDY COURSE in Universal Law, Natural Science and a living Philosophy," which my husband and I wrote together.
It is inspiring to know that the fruit of the seed we have already sown has spread around the world in the ten years which we have worked together on our mountain top at Swannanoa, as father-mother of the messages given to us to give to the world as one.
We found Swannanoa, which many thousands of people have now visited, and packed 36 tons of sculpture and art work etc., in Carnegie Hall, New York, where my husband was living when we met, and where we lived when we were first married. We moved to Virginia in the November of 1948. Here in six months we created a Shrine of Beauty which has become known as a Mountain Top Paradise. We restored the beauty of the fine old marble palace and its glorious gardens, and filled them with my husband's paintings and sculpture. Also I prepared ten large glass topped tables for the preservation and exhibition of the historical and other amazing documents concerning my husband's life, including honors from European countries, and hundreds of letters and autographs of the world's contemporary great who have either sat for portraits or visited him in his studio. One especially interesting table is devoted to controversial letters
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and articles for, and against his scientific concepts, which The New York Times printed over a long period.
The purpose of this collection is to demonstrate what great heights any man can reach who comprehends his omnipotence and works knowingly with the divine Mind-power which is within him, rather than with his senses. It is very gratifying to us to see so many who have spent long meditative hours here, depart with the feeling that they have found, and now comprehend, the meaning of the words: "Seek ye the kingdom of heaven within you."
The multiplication of our desire to awaken that spark of genius, which lies dormant in all men, by giving man God's Message, and demonstrating it by our great collection of the work of one man who has worked knowingly with God since the age of seven, brought new life to my husband. He has grown younger with each passing year and each year has seen the completion of some new contribution to the world. He still paints and sculps, and has completed a number of masterpieces including a beautiful bust of George Washington. Our main work, however, has been together in writing and teaching. Our basic course of study has already girdled the world and transformed many lives in all professions and varied religions, through the new Cosmic knowledge we are releasing of man's relation to man – and to God – and to Nature, which he needs to control his destiny.
Because of the resistance – which we of course quite undestand – of the scientific world – we felt it better to gradually give our knowledge to those who desired and recognized it – even though it would take much much longer to reach a sufficient number that would aid in giving birth to a new era in man's unfolding.
We have used hundreds of drawings to illustrate our writings – drawings that my husband had decided to lock away in a sepulchre. I would not let him do this for I knew man's need was great TODAY and that there was not a moment to lose if we were to be ready when man 's need was most dire.
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For ten years we have worked indefatigably with but one thought and that one thought is to give man the knowledge that can save the whole human race from self-destruction. Our ultimate contribution is this book and the new knowledge of God's ways and processes it contains can give birth to the most glorious and abundant life man has ever known. The age of TRANSMUTATION is here but it cannot come into being unless man's concept of the Nature of his universe conforms to Nature's ways and processes, and until he realizes that this is a Mind-motion-tonal universe instead of a matter-energy-substance universe.
My husband's thirty years of seemingly hopeless effort, did not have the usual effect of building up resentments in him because he fully understood that so great a transition and reversal of traditional concept was not possible. You see he was not asking of science to make a little change in its concepts of the universe, he was asking it to overthrow all of it. He was actually trying to make science leap ahead two or three thousand years from today's concepts. He had, therefore, decided to take Nikola Tesla's advice and seal his knowledge in the Smithsonian Institute until man had sufficiently unfolded, spiritually, to be ready for it. That was what he was so actively engaged in when God directed my footsteps into this world-need for which I had also been prepared for my part in it, which was to continue it NOW, for the world-need was NOW – not a thousand years from now. lt was not by chance that God sent me to my husband just two months before the time that the complete Message was to be given to mankind in the years of his greatest need, for he had reached the very limit of his physical and financial endurance.
My own Cosmic illumination which told me of the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of space, instead of its presumed emptiness, was that knowledge which you will find amply revealed in this book, wherein we term it THE UNIVERSAL VACUUM. This knowledge can come to only those whose innersensory perception has reached beyond the senses into the Cosmos, as ours has reached. It is knowledge which has not yet come to earth, as you will realize in these pages. My decision that our work must not stop now, even though it
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be sealed for future man, was strongly affected by knowledge then given me that the world would increasingly suffer up to the year 1960, and that the year of 1960 would he the most crucial year in all history. I knew that there must either be an epochal transition in world-thinking, or it would become man's twelfth hour, which the last fifty years of the decline of culture has led him to. This decision, that we should continue, was also affected by finding this same knowledge in my husband's instructions, given to him in 1921. He also pictured the whole path of man from 1921 to 1960 in those instructions, which specifically told of the wars, agonies and hatreds which would bring about the suffering that was necessary to make man listen to God to find his way out of world-anguish. In those instructions he was fully informed of the fact that every empire which had grown rich by conquest of the weak would become equally poor by the arising of the weak to slay the strong.
Everything foretold to him – and to me – has already come to pass. Every rich nation is indebted in the measure or its riches, and rationing has taken the seat of plenty. For every man who has killed, ten of his own have died. The world-slave has arisen to slay his master, and to slay God's place in the human heart also, by bringing brutality into the world such as it has never known, even during its darkest ages. Thus we find the world which was pictured to us – each in his own way – a world of fear, which believes itself prosperous – a world of fuel-famine, which must again be rationed – a world so disunited, neighbor against neighbor and nation against nation, that every nation is armed to the teeth to prevent being enslaved, and every door is double locked and cities doubly policed to prevent being plundered in this greatest age of crime in all man's history.
I wrote The Scientific Answer to Human Relations to demonstrate how rich piracy-built empires had been reduced to rationing for their defiance of the law of love. Once again one nation is attempting to enslave the whole world. How many times must whole civilizations fall before finding out that such a defiance of God is impossible in Nature?
Many of the events which are now taking place today we fore-
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told in our previous writings, but we could not reach the inner ears of those who could stem the tide of man's self-made agonies. Thus it is that my husband's message to science, and mine to humanity, must not stop. We must together give transmutation to man to give him control over motion, and together we must give him my human message of a living philosophy in order that a new civilization of human unity and abundance may be born, which will endure.
I fully know that it was God's plan that He illumine two of us as one to father and mother His Message to man in this dread hour, for God works that way in all His ways. All living things created by Him are mated pairs, which must unite as one in order to interchange and multiply. Likewise, all idea - and power - and even love - are created by Him in divided pairs, which must unite as one to interchange and multiply. When love gives and regives equally its matings will endure, but when it takes, no power on earth can hold its matings together. That is what is the matter with the world of today. And that is why God united us as one to multiply our power to give His Message.
As a humanist I have long been teaching in my living philosophy that balanced human matings multiply the power of both man and woman a thousand times beyond that which one could do alone, while mis-matings do – in human relations what explosives do in mis-mated chemical relations. These things we fully knew, and it was because of our full knowledge of the unlimited power which our union would give to fulfill both the science, and the human relations need, that we withdrew into the solitude of our mountain top to sew the seed of this new knowledge and infiltrate it slowly into the hearts of those thousands of seekers for Cosmic knowledge, which this age is borning. The knowledge which man most needs for survival and the conquest of his environment, is scientific knowledge of his universe and a living philosophy which will unite all mankind in one brotherhood. Our purpose in giving this new knowledge is to consummate a marriage between science and religion which will give to the world its peace, happiness and culture, that only
full awareness of the divine Light, which is within all men, can bring.
I wrote "GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU" for the same purpose that we are writing this book, to warn mankind that he is making his own eleventh hour through lack of knowledge of man, and of the nature of the universe. Much of that book is devoted to an explanation of the physical, then the spiritual unfolding of man on his long journey from the jungle of physical struggle to his omniscient mountain-top of Cosmic Consciousness. No other book has ever told that story, for it has not yet been known. To this one purpose of making it known we have dedicated our lives.
During the time Alexis Carrel was working with my husband's humanist group he wrote "MAN THE UNKNOWN" to tell the world that of all its knowledge in many things man himself was the least known by man. In that book he said: "The Science of Man is the most important, and least known, of all the sciences." Edwin Markham was so imbued with that same conviction that he also expressed that same thought in these words: "In vain do we build the city if we do not first build the man." My husband said that my book – "GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU BUT NOT FOR YOU" – might appropriately be entitled "MAN THE KNOWN", for it is filling the purpose which Alexis Carrel and Edwin Markham told of its need.
Our "SCIENCE OF MAN HOME STUDY COURSE" might just as appropriately be filling the need for making GOD THE UNKNOWN become GOD THE KNOWN, for that is just what it is gradually doing to its world-wide students. God has never been dynamically known for the sole reason that the nature of His univere has never yet been known. To know one is to know both, for Creation emerges from its Creator and returns to Him. This is a clearer explanation than the text books way of saying that matter emerges from space and is swallowed up by space. Our plan of disseminating this knowledge of The Creator and His Creation was the slow one of infiltration through open minds of those increasingly more spiritually unfolded seekers who were
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ready for it. By this plan all men would eventually know the true nature of God and His universe. The time element, however, was too slow to prevent the certain annihilation of all organic life if radioactive fission is allowed to multiply beyond man's ability to check it. This would necessitate wholesale migrations to the arctic and antarctic regions for the few who might possibly survive this visitation of death, which man is now preparing to give to the world in the belief that he is furthering life. That is why we had to change our plan and write this book NOW.
In my own life's work as a humanist and philosopher I have touched the souls of all peoples in all lands, from Sahara desert peoples to the socially highest. I have felt fear in the universal soul and hunger in the bodies of two thirds of mankind who never knew aught but hunger. I have seen the agricultural areas of earth shrink as humans increase and deserts extend, and have pondered over the worries of science as to how the coming billions will be fed. I have listened to those who claimed that wars must continue to decimate the growing populations, and that sickened my very soul, for I have witnessed the fatalist attitude of Asians in their acceptance of famine as just something which cannot be helped. It is small wonder then, that I felt that knowledge alone could solve this problem and render famine impossible when man actually comprehended that God's intent to give man dominion over all things did not mean physical dominion by conquest, but Mind-dominion through comprehension.
I had heard the medical world say that synthesis of food requirements such as sugars, starches, fats, proteins and carbohydrates would be forever impossible, but my husband says that synthesis is not transmutation and all things which are created upon this earth by God, can be created by man IF and WHEN he knows how God creates. God does not synthesize. During those 39 days in May and June of 1921 it was made known to my husband God's full process of creation. It is very simple and can be stated in a very few words. They are as follows:
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God divides the stillness of His omnipresent Oneness into mated pairs, and simultaneously multiplies their power to simulate His omnipotence and omniscience through fast centripetal motion.
He then unites His mated pairs to simulate His Oneness, and simultaneously multiplies their speed of centrifugal motion until they disappear into His omnipresent stillness.
That is its basic simplicity. It is not difficult to comprehend, and apply its complexities, when one thoroughly comprehends the above formula. The application of this knowledge is what my husband has been endeavoring to give to the world for thirty-five years, against the resistance of a world which believes that the energy which created motion is in motion, instead of in its Creator, and also believes in substance as being real, instead of being pure illusion created by fast motion to simulate substance.
This is what we are gradually infiltrating through our teachings of The Science of Man and shall briefly outline in the pages of this book. We hope we shall cover enough of this field to convince the world that certain death will be the penalty for lack of knowledge of the Creator and His Creation, which this early stage of man's innersensory unfolding is accountable for. Likewise, certain death by wars or famine will decimate the race if it does not learn how to rise above the necessity of using the limited fossil resources of the earth for its constantly increasing need of heat and power.
It has been said that the value of every such genius as Beethoven has been worth billions of dollars to world-culture. What a tragedy it would be if such knowledge as we are herein giving to the world in this crucial day is never made use of to give man his promised "dominion-over all the earth."'
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