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Many world leaders sincerely believe that nuclear fission can be used for industry, and that mankind will be protected from its admitted dangers. We believe, however, that such use would destroy all organic life on this planet for many centuries.
When you acquired this book a heavy question undoubtedly raised itself in your consciousness as to our authority for daring to write a book, which questions the wisdom of atomic energy for world use, either for war or industry. The acquisition of it by you also indicates that you are a thinker who will read the contents with an open mind.
Within these pages lies the dynamic answer to "the riddle of the universe," which will give to man the knowledge and power
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to control all matter and motion, and to solve the secret of life and death, and growth and decay, for which man has sought but never found. As long as man depends upon the evidence of his senses for knowledge of CAUSE of the EFFECTS – which are the limit of his vision – he will never solve these secrets. Up to this day in human history empirical knowledge, which means knowledge gained by sensed-observation, has been deemed the only reliable evidence upon which to form conclusions. This assumption is a colossal error of judgment, for not one effect in Nature is what it seems to be. Man will never find the answer to the secrets of the universe that way.
The time has come, however, when man must have the right answer, else all men will perish from this planet. This tremendous statement is not made lightly. My husband and I well know the ridicule which would result from our inability to support such a seemingly fantastic claim to transcendent knowledge. We would not make such a claim, however, nor would we write this book now, except for man's dire need in this most crucial day of his history – and every moment lost could be man's last moment on earth.
As briefly as possible, I will give you our authority which will be proved step by step in every page of this book. We fully realize that our authority is in ourselves. You must, therefore, first know about us. That would be your first question, so I will first answer this for you.
My husband, Dr. Walter Russell – who at this time is 86 years of age – is no ordinary man. Before he was thirty he had gained an international reputation, with high honors from nine European countries for masterliness in art. Judging him by the world's standards he could be called the man who has achieved the most in all the world in his various forms of endeavor, which has won for him the title of being the most versatile man in America.
A quick look at his background will justify this seemingly extravagant claim. Without having had any schooling above the primary grade in a country school, he has become a master painter, sculptor, architect, composer and musician, author, phi-
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losopher, humanist and scientist, having excelled in every one of these fields. At thirteen he was a church organist. Before the age of sixteen he had composed over a hundred melodies, one of which so pleased Paderewski that he had it put in into manuscript form and invited my husband to play it with the Boston Symphony Orchestra at one of its rehearsals. At nineteen his illustrations excited the interest of Mark Twain from which a lifelong friendship grew and The Mark Twain Memorial became my husband's greatest masterpiece in sculpture. Other famous memorials by him are The Four Freedoms, The Colin Kelly Memorial and the Charles Goodyear Memorial. At the age of thirty he was acclaimed a master portrait painter of children, and was commissioned to select and paint the twelve most beautiful children in America by The Ladies Home Journal.
Long before that, in 1895, my husband became leader in the great humanist movement started in 1875 by Herbert Spencer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, Edwin Markham, John Burroughs, Oliver Wendel Holmes, Andrew Carnegie and Richard Watson Gilder, which was first known as The Twilight Club, until Alexis Carrel called it The Science of Man, which it now is, and of which we are still its leaders and teachers. It was incorporated as The Society of Arts and Sciences during the twelve years of Thomas Watson's and my husband's association in spreading its ethics and morals throughout the business world.
Before Mr. Watson played a leading role in this great moral movement, my husband, in association with Theodore Roosevelt, Dan Beard, Rudyard Kipling, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Edwin Markham instituted the Boy Scouts movement in England through Lord Baden Powell, and in America, through Dan Beard.
The Spencer moral code as based upon the righteousness of good citizenship and service to man. Great fruits soon grew out of my husband's leadership, such as Rotary Club, Kiwanis, Lions and other service clubs. Sweat Shop Elimination, Compulsory Schooling, Advertising Censorship and Better Business Bureau soon followed with the help of Adolph Ochs, owner of The
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New York Times, who worked with my husband for years to infiltrate this new note of humanism and morality into industry. A list of the great educators and scientists, men who were associated with my husband during the more than forty years of his active work for the betterment of human relations in industry, would fill many pages. However, the list includes such men as Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Hamlin Garland, Calvin Coolidge, Richard Le Gallienne, Mark Twain, John Dewey, Henry Holt, Robert Collier, Howard Chandler Christy, Edwin Markham, James Howard Bridge, Rudyard Kipling, George Gould, Louis Tiffany, Ernest Thompson Seton, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Walter Damrosch, Michael Pupin, Theodore Roosevelt, Dr. Lee de Forest, Adolph Ochs, A. Cressy Morrison, Robert Andrews Millikan, Thomas J. Watson, Dr. Henry Norris Russell, Otto Kahn, J. Pierpont Morgan, Dr. Albert A. Michaelson, Cass Gilbert, Gen. Coleman Du Pont, Douglas L. Elliman, James A. Mears, Whitney Warren, George Gray Barnard, Thomas Hastings, Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Oswald Spengler, Alexis Carrel, Eugene Grace, Irvin S. Cobb, Irving Bacheller, John Phillip Sousa, Victor Herbert, Charles De Kay, Sophie Irene Loeb, August Hecksher, Dr. H. H. Sheldon, Dr. Harvey Rentschler, Gerard V. Swope and many others. Letters, autographs and other historical documents fro m many of these celebrities are part of the museum of my husband's works here at Swannanoa.
A record of the moral uplift in the business world, during the twelve years in which Mr. Thomas Watson and my husband were so closely associated in this work, would also be strongly felt in the standards of business and social morality, if it could be visibly recorded with the strength in which it has been demonstrated.
My husband's love of beauty prompted him to demonstrate it by infiltrating the idea of beautiful Parkways, to by-pass towns and cities, among civic leaders. The Bronx River Parkway became the first fruit of this inspiration, which has spread around the world. As an award to the engineers of the Bronx River Parkway, who became inspired by this idea, my husband be-
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stowed gold and bronze medals upon them during his seven years presidency of The Society of Arts and Sciences. Copies of these medals have also become a part of the permanent collection at Swannanoa.
To enumerate all of his achievements would require a volume rather than a few pages. Very briefly, therefore, I will tell you that he has designed about eighty millions of dollars in value of architectural structures, civic centers and apartment buildings, without ever having studied architecture or engineering. In New York alone, he erected thirty million dollars worth of studio and apartment buildings, including the whole artist colony on West 67th Street where he lived in one of them, Hotel des Artiste's, for many years. He built the first Hotel Pierre, at 290 Park Avenue, and created the cooperative movement in New York. He also created the duplex, triplex and penthouse apartment idea.
He became official painter for Theodore Roosevelt, Governor Ames of Massachusetts and many other well known families. He had never touched sculpture until the age of 56, when he became official sculptor for Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Victor Herbert, John Phillip Sousa and many others. As an author his many books include The Bending of the Twig, The Age of Innocence, The Sea Children, The Universal One, The Russell Genero-Radiative Concept, The Secret of Light, The Book of Early Whisperings, The Divine Iliad and The Russell Cosmogony.
In science Dr. Russell was the first to give knowledge of the existence of plutonium, neptunium, deuterium and tritium to the world – which we shall refer to later – although these were not the names that he originally gave to these hitherto unknown elements, as you will observe in the accompanying charts. It is no wonder, therefore, that he has so often been called The Modern Leonardo, and Dean of the Arts. It is, also, a strange human characteristic to belittle, suppress and even crucify such men who are so far ahead of their time. Such great souls are the world-mystics whom the man who does not understand calls "crackpots" and dreamers. Practically every world-genius has
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been a "crackpot'' to his neighbors. Poor Leonardo had to bury his inventions in sealed vaults, as Nikola Tesla told my husband he must also do, so that posterity could take advantage of his "crackpot" ideas and inspirations.
My husband has demonstrated the same standard of versatility which Leonardo's whole life demonstrated. Those thousands who have visited Swannanoa – our mountain-top home in Virginia – have ample proof of this, for here I gathered together all that I could of his works in science, which he was preparing for posterity, and in all of the arts – of which he is a complete master – to prove to the world that all-knowledge and all-power lies within every man who becomes aware of that divine power within him.
An outstanding characteristic of his is the fact that he was never tired during his whole life – until very late in it. No matter how hard he worked, physically or mentally, he had within him an inner joyousness, which made fatigue impossible until sleep claimed him.
My husband is a living example of the complete supremacy which every man can acquire who works and lives KNOWINGLY WITH GOD with complete moment to moment awareness of His presence. With such a power extended to him fr om the universal Source he became master of every art he desired to express himself in. He even demonstrated this in his sports, by earning the National Championship for figure skating and in becoming an acknowledged master in the training of Arabian stallions for high school exhibition, and for fine saddle horses. The little book written by the late Glenn Clark about my husband which was named: "THE MAN WHO TAPPED THE SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE," is the most apt title possible, for there has never been a man who could more ably live up to that title.
Many of you have seen the visible proof of his works of art and know countless other things he has accomplished, but the world as a whole is not aware of his greatest of all contributions to the world of science. Let me briefly recount some of these for you so that you may become aware of his great contributions to
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science, and know the Source fro m which he gained this new vital scientific knowledge that we have written in "ATOMIC SUICIDE?"
Dr. Russell tried to give his scientific knowledge to the world in 1926. He issued two charts which contained three invisible space octaves preceding hydrogen, and also the transuranium elements which are beyond uranium, which are now the basis of radioactive fission. He sent these charts to all the world of science without receiving one letter of recognition for this greatest of all contributions to science since Medeleef gave the basis for it in his incomplete table of the clements. We herewith print these two charts which have made so profound a change in scientific practice, including the atomic age which resulted thirteen years later, and the discovery of the incorrectly named "isotopes'' of hydrogen. These are not isotopes, however, for my husband had placed them there as full toned elements – as they are. Take note that the new names given by the laboratory workers who isolated them are placed beside their positions and their copyrighted names in the charts. See Figures 1 and 2.
Not until 1941, after heavy water, deuterium, tritium, neptunium and plutonium were isolated in some of the many laboratories, which my husband's charts – plus three years of lectures – caused to come into being, did he receive any rccognition for this contribution. He was then awarded a Doctor's Degree of Science for these very charts by The American Academy of Sciences, an organization which gave degrees to people for work performed, such as an Edison or Marconi, who could not acquire one fro m a university because of not having studied science in a university.
These priceless new elements, which justly give him the right to be recognized as the father of the atomic age, were not given the names which he had copyrighted when they were finally isolated. For this reason my husband has never been accredited as the man who first gave knowledge of their existence to the world. He labored hard for years in urging such research laboratories as Westinghouse, Union Carbide, General Electric and others to isolate these elements. He also worked hard during this period
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Figure 1 - Russell's Periodic Chart of the Elements showing Harmonicity, Periodicity and Polarity. The vertical line down the center is the "Neutral Line" along which occurs the inert gases. (scan courtesy of University of Science & Philosophy) (click to enlarge)
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(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)
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to urge these laboratories to produce free hydrogen as a world fuel, against their great resistance to accepting new knowledge which was outside of their pattern, and especially fro m one who was not an acknowledged scientist.
He foretold the great need of an inexhaustible world fuel which did not require to be transported, imported or stored. He endeavored to convince them that free hydrogen is man's natural fuel for this coming age. It can be transmuted fro m the atmosphere with great simplicity if man will but change his concepts of matter and energy, which now makes transmutation impossible, to new concepts, briefly outlined in this book. We know that this miracle could be accomplished within a few months, if men of vision and power would but open their minds to the greatest change of concept in all history.
During all of the years since 1926 he has continually tried to tell science that the true Nature of the universe is not reflected in its concepts, and that it would never be able to command matter by transmuting it until these unnatural concepts were utterly discarded and true ones accepted. The harder he tried to give his new knowledge the greater he was suppressed. A number of distinguished scientists of great vision were deeply impressed, and partially convinced, but felt that tradition was too deeply rooted to allow such a great change. These men included Thomas Edison, Dr. Harvey Rentschler, Dr. Robert Bender, Dr. H. H. Sheldon of New York University, Dr. Henry Norris Russell of Princeton University, and A. Cressy Morrison of the Union Carbide Company. Nikola Tesla was, however, fully convinced that my husband's electrical knowledge was true to Nature, but it was so different fro m the accepted pattern that Tesla told him that he would have to seal it in a sepulchre with instructions that it be opened in a thousand years when human intelligence had unfolded far enough to be ready to accept it.
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