Inner Ring of Resonation
"There is now introduced on its axis a ring which has seven tubes or graduating resonators, the ring being 2/3 the diameter of the globe (or 8" ID)..." [Keely]

See Also
20.02 - Keely Describing Dynasphere Construction
chord of resonation
Figure 20.13 - Two Rings - Outer and Inner
Figure 20.13 - Two Rings - Outer and Inner
inner and outer conformities
inner and outer temperatures
inner child
inner climate
inner composition
inner conflict
inner consciousness
inner dynamic process
inner element
inner energy
inner glow
inner interaction
inner interuniting properties
inner law
inner metabolic processes
inner molecular excitation
inner motion
inner outward
inner potential
inner radiation
Inner Ring of Resonation
inner structure
inner vision
Musical Dynasphere
outer and inner relations
Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere - Current Research
resonating drum
sympathetic resonation