I AM | I AM | |
Sympsionics Symbol |
"And O that all would realize, come to the consciousness that what we are - in any given experience, or time - is the combined results of what we have done about the ideals that we have set!" [Cayce (1549-1)]
"As has been given from time immemorial, seek to know yourself. Not as an egotist but the ego within self, the I am consciousness..." [Cayce 440-20]
"Yet the body, as is seen, is but the shadow or the temple of the living soul, or the real I AM that lives on and on." [Cayce 633-2]
Dialogue on Awakening
"It is not possible for you to transmit or take on anything other than that which is reflective of the essence of who you are and the essence of who you are is what I have described as being a flow of love. All things that seem to come to you or emanate from you which are not comprised of this essence, are those things which you have made up and chosen to experience apart from your experience of being the Christ. (underline added)
"The analogy I would offer you is this: if the essence of your Being were expressed by a cool lake, a stream of pure water, then all you would be able to express would be that which constituted the basis of what you were. That could be fog, or mist, or drops of water, or swirling water, or calm water, but in its essence it would all be an expression of that which comprised the basis of what you are. It would not be possible for you to express yourself as being a twig of wood. If, however, you experienced yourself as being this pool of water and you chose to believe that you could express yourself as a twig of wood, then it would be your perception that wood was what you were expressing. You cannot alter that which makes up your Being. And you cannot, in truth, express other than that which constitutes the essence of your Being." [Dialogue on Awakening] page 127-128
So where do you fit in the world? see Lightening in a Jar
A beautiful expression of I AM by Kiesha Crowther
"The eternally conscious entity - call it by whatever name [1] we please - moves in cycles as eternal and infinite as itself; it oscillates and vibrates perpetually and is never unconscious of any present condition, be it pain or pleasure, joy or sorrow, shame or glory; like the pendulum of a clock or the sun, moon, or tides, it swings from the one to the other of these conditions, now in pleasure, now in pain, by its contact with the extremes of all varying conditions, like a child which throws up its head and laughing for joy exclaims, I KNOW I AM." Keely, [Dashed Against the Rock] (underline added)
"Truth is the unalterable, unchangeable law, ever. What is truth? Law! What is law? Love! What is love? God! What is God? Law and Love. These are as the cycle of truth itself... He is the same yesterday, today and forever - unalterable... I Am That I Am. That is true." [Cayce (3574-2)]
"All force, all matter, is motivative by force known as spiritual. While the body is made up of elements that are atomic, super atomic, gas, influences that combine, all give off their radiation, both as to the mental reaction and what the body-mind does about that reaction of that phase or manifestation in which the entity is conscious at such a period. And it is recorded upon that known or experienced by the conscious mind as time and Space. And it may be read even as the records of a printed page. Hence that which has been the thought, the activity of the entity throughout its experience in matter, in gaseous forces, in the atomic influences, is part and parcel of the entity's being. Thus we are, then, the sum, the substance, of that we do, we have, or may think and do. For each entity has that imprint of the Creative Energies or Force that makes of it an influence that is seen, known, felt, throughout the universe." [Cayce (833-1)]
". . . ye are part and parcel of a UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS or God - and thus of all that is within the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS, or the universal awareness; as the stars, the planets, the sun, the moon. Do ye rule them or they rule thee? They were made for thy own use, as an individual - yea, that is the part, the thought thy Maker, thy Father-God thinks of thee. For ye are as a corpuscle in the body of God; thus a co-creator with Him, in what ye think, in what ye do. And ye change each soul ye contact, literally or mentally - insofar as ye, as an individual entity, are a witness for or against the Lord, thy God . . . no soul may come in contact with the entity without being changed, either in body, in mind or in purpose. And purpose is, of course, of the soul." [Cayce (2794-3)]
"''For behold: I am within all things centering them. And I am without all things controlling them.
"I center My universe as My knowing. My universe encircles Me as My thinking.''" [Atomic Suicide, page 189]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
'It is a tiny entity of 'consciousness knowledge'. It is the 'consciousness knowledge' of what it will become. It is a fragment of 'consciousness' drawn from 'Divine Creative Consciousness'.
'It is a fragment of mind power drawn from 'Father Mind Power' ... which, when planted in the earth and watered by rain, will begin to clothe itself with the visible 'matter' of which it possesses knowledge, deep within itself. This knowledge is true, it is firm, it is strong and undeviating. This self-knowledge embodied in the seed, is a conviction in 'consciousness'.__
'All of life forms arise out of this one-pointed self-knowledge - a 'conviction of consciousness'.
This 'conviction of consciousness' is what separates the inanimate soil and rocks from all that lives and grows upon the face of the earth. Where there is no 'conviction of consciousness' or 'knowledge of identity' there is no growth. The consciousness within soil and rocks remains 'consciousness' in a dormant form." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 65]
[1] God, Goddess, Mind Force, Mother Earth, Celestial Radiation, Yahweh, Jehovah, Great Spirit, Allah, Jesus, etc., etc.
Buckminster Fuller
“I live on Earth at present, and I don’t know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing — a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process – an integral function of the universe.” [Buckminster Fuller]
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
"Now, understand the subtle difference, what are you and what do you understand to be you? The body is not you, the name is not you. The body is the food you have consumed, the taste of it is the knowledge "I Am". That is Self, the feeling "I Am", that is the love to be.
How amazing, how incredible, it has no name, but you give many names to it. It is the Self, the love to be. That love to be is all-pervading.
Heaven, hell, countries, houses, these are all concepts. There were rock and earth, a concept was employed and buildings were built. Before you conceptualize anything, you are, even before the knowingness, you are.
You have only to apperceive this knowingness, the love to be, the Self."
"You must get to know your own Self. This body is not your true nature. The principle by which you know 'I Am' is your true nature."
"Will that remain permanently? You must understand that truth is not changeable. Truth is constant and eternal, whereas the combination of these three states has come upon you and were not there earlier. Whatever is temporary and time-bound cannot be the truth.
It is good, as far as it goes, that you have identified with this sense of presence, but understand that even that is temporary and not your true nature.
The most important thing for you is the "I Am". Just be that and the necessary guidance will come."
"You did not have this concept 'I Am' in the course of the nine months in the womb. Understand this state of affairs; the concept 'I Am' comes spontaneously and goes spontaneously. Amazingly, when it appears, it is accepted as real. All subsequent misconceptions arise from that feeling of reality in the 'I Amness.' Try to stabilize in that primary concept 'I Am', in order to lose that and with it all other concepts."
"The real state is that state which was prior to the arrival of consciousness. Very few will have reached that state. Most of you will not want to go beyond identification with an entity or a body.
This identification, which has been changing from infancy to your present state, and which will continue to change in the course of time, is purely seasonal.
You identify with the body on the strength of hearsay. Your parents told you that you were born on a certain date, and that this body is what you are. So, based on hearsay, you formed your identity with a certain image. You may think that now you have become jnanis and that you know your identity very well, but most often this is a case of sensory deception. Whatever your image of yourself, it is nothing but a concept." [Consciousness and the Absolute, The final talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj]
"First, there was the idea of the triad, or the trinity, which entered into everything. Then a very important place was occupied, and much was explained by the idea of the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth. This was a real idea, and during the experiments, in the new state of consciousness, I understood how it entered into everything and was connected with everything through the triad. But in the ordinary state, the significance and connection of these two ideas eluded me.
Further, there was the idea of cause and effect. As I have already mentioned, this idea was expressed in hieroglyphs in a very definite way. But it was in no way connected with the idea of "reincarnation" and referred entirely to ordinary earthly life.
A very great place—perhaps the chief place—in all that I had learned was occupied by the idea of "I." That is to say, the feeling or sensation of "I" in some strange way changed within me. It is very difficult to express this in words. Ordinarily, we do not sufficiently understand that at different moments of our life we feel our "I" differently. In this case, as in many others, I was helped by my earlier experiments and observations of dreams. I knew that in sleep "I" is felt differently, not as it is felt in a waking state; just as differently, but in quite another way, "I" was felt in these experiences.
The nearest possible approximation would be if I were to say that everything which is ordinarily felt as "I" became "not I," and everything which is felt as "not I" became "I." But this is far from being an exact statement of what I felt and learned. I think that an exact statement is impossible. It is necessary only to note that the new sensation of "I" during the first experiments, so far as I can remember it, was a very terrifying sensation. I felt that I was disappearing, vanishing, turning into nothing. This was the same terror of infinity of which I have already spoken, but it was reversed: in one case, it was All that swallowed me up; in the other, it was Nothing. But this made no difference because All was equivalent to Nothing.
But it is remarkable that later, in subsequent experiments, the same sensation of the disappearance of "I" began to produce in me a feeling of extraordinary calmness and confidence, which nothing can equal in our ordinary sensations. I seemed to understand at that time that all the usual troubles, cares, and anxieties are connected with the usual sensation of "I," result from it, and, at the same time, constitute and sustain it. Therefore, when "I" disappeared, all troubles, cares, and anxieties disappeared. When I felt that I did not exist, everything else became very simple and easy.
At these moments, I even regarded it as strange that we could take upon ourselves so terrible a responsibility as to bring "I" into everything and start from "I" in everything. In the idea of "I," in the sensation of "I," such as we ordinarily have, there was something almost abnormal, a kind of fantastic conceit that bordered on blasphemy, as if each one of us called himself God. I felt then that only God could call himself "I," that only God was "I." But we also call ourselves "I" and do not see and do not notice the irony of it." [A New Model of the Universe, by P. D. Ouspensky]
Parameshwar Maharaj
"Q (other): Parameshwar, why pass through the Consciousness "I Am"?
P: Because this Individuality, this Consciousness is the origin of the mind. Thanks to this Consciousness, Illusion plays its role. The mind appears when the child knows himself as an entity. One day this Consciousness appeared and another day it will disappear. If it is not for the Realization of the Self, it will be with death. The Realization of the Self is the extinction of this Individuality, if the Realization is not permanent, then the "I Am" knows and recognizes what has happened and the message it receives is that no one is realized because the SELF, the mind , has been dissolved in the Absolute, therefore, nobody experiences the Realization.
The "I Am" Consciousness is the mind or consciousness recognizing itself as "I". It is the first thought that arises in the Consciousness-Existence. It is permanent in the waking state of the child and is lost in puberty, causing an identity gap.
Q: From what you say is a desirable state and to achieve.
P: Neither is desirable nor detestable, it is only a stage in internalization. And that of "getting" ... better to use another word.
Q: Which one?
Q: No matter how hard I try, I do not find myself. I am able to observe myself in different states of reaction and I even try to curb my reactions, but I do not see myself as a witness to them. Could you shed light on this, please?
P: Yes, of course! The problem (and there is) is that you are not able to perceive from "inside of you". You are not able to hear, see, or use any of the senses from "inside". You have spent your whole life living outside, outside doors, and you do not know that behind you you have your home. You lack inner perception, which you have to develop. Learn to perceive from within and you will know yourself as the witness of all the coming and going of impressions. If you get used to it, you will become self-conscious. I do not give you more explanations to not confuse you with the information. Do it!" [Submerging into Myself, Advaita in Practice by Parameshwar Maharaj]
See also
Amplitude of Force
Atlin - Knowing I Am
centering Self
controlling center
eternal Self
false gods
I and My Father are ONE
Know Who You Are
Mother Earth
Neutral Center
nucleus of consciousness
Part 24 - Awakening Your Genius
Self Realization
Will Force
1.13 - The Word of God
9.15 - The I AM Consciousness