
Hermes Trismegistus

Hermes Trismegistus , "thrice-great Hermes"; Latin: Mercurius ter Maximus) is the representation of the syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth. In Hellenistic Egypt, the Greeks recognised the congruence of their god Hermes with the Egyptian god Thoth. Subsequently the two gods were worshipped as one in what had been the Temple of Thoth in Khemnu, which the Greeks called Hermopolis.

As a divine source of wisdom, Hermes Trismegistus was credited with tens of thousands of writings of high standing, reputed to be of immense antiquity. Plato's Timaeus and Critias state that in the temple of Neith at Sais, there were secret halls containing historical records which had been kept for 9,000 years. Clement of Alexandria was under the impression that the Egyptians had forty-two sacred writings by Hermes, encapsulating all the training of Egyptian priests. Siegfried Morenz has suggested (Egyptian Religion) "The reference to Thoth's authorship...is based on ancient tradition; the figure forty-two probably stems from the number of Egyptian nomes, and thus conveys the notion of completeness." The Neo-Platonic writers took up Clement's "forty-two essential texts".

The Hermetica, is a category of papyri containing spells and initiatory induction procedures. In the dialogue called the Asclepius (after the Greek god of healing) the art of imprisoning the souls of demons or of angels in statues with the help of herbs, gems and odors, is described, such that the statue could speak and engage in prophecy. In other papyri, there are recipes for constructing such images and animating them, such as when images are to be fashioned hollow so as to enclose a magic name inscribed on gold leaf. (wikipedia)

"Hermes Trismegistus deserved to be called the Father of Philosophers for having researched the three mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms and the triple subsistence of them in a created essence, in which he recognized all the force and virtue of vegetable nature, animal and mineral.
In the nature of mercury flying like snow, white and coagulated, there is a vegetative virtue which is not common: which mercury is a certain Spirit both of the great and of the small world. And it is on this mercury that the movement and flow of human nature depends and originates, according to the reasonable Soul.
As for the animating virtue, it is nothing other than a medium between the Spirit and the body, since this virtue, being like the glue of the world, is the bond of these two. Which link consists of sulfur which is like a transparent red oil like the sun to the great world and like the heart of man to the small world." [Basilian Aphorisms or Hermetic Cannons by Anonymous]

See Also

7B.13 - Mind Force in Machinery
18.09 - Mind in and Shaping Matter
Can Will Power Run Motors
Figure 2.4.1 - Keely Harnessed Mind Force in his Machines
Hermes Trismagistus
Hermes Trismegistus
hermetic seal
The Hermetic Tetractys
Mind in Machines
Mind In Matter
Mind in Plants

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday September 4, 2024 06:31:24 MDT by Dale Pond.