We are building the first Hado Lab in America to reproduce Masaru Emoto's amazing water crystals and research. This new Hado Lab is a collaborative effort between Dr. Emoto, his international teams and the Pond Science Institute.
The work done by Masaru Emoto has fascinated me for years and I wondered why there is no easily accessible facility to replicate his work here in the US - where people could have their water analyzed and crystals photographed. I approached Dr. Emoto about establishing a Hado Lab here in US. Our work parallels in many regards, we have done concurrent seminars - our work is mutually supportive. Dr. Emoto has agreed we establish a Hado Lab here at the Pond Science Institute using the same training, oversight, care and protocols as used in his other labs assuring quality work.
There are many people who would like to have their water crystallized and photographed as an indication of the health of their water but there is no where in the US to get that done. With your help we will provide that facility and high quality service where anyone can mail in a water sample and have it crystallized and photographed for a service fee.
Watch for the soon coming crowd funding project.
See Also these pages concerning the power and potential of water
Clustered Water
Dissociating Water by Plants
Dissociating Water with Microwave
Electricity from Running Water
Electricity from Water
Electricity from Water Vapor
Figure 15.00a - Fujiwara Water Before Prayer
Figure 15.00b - Fujiwara Water After Prayer
Masaru Emoto
Part 15 - Dissociating Water
SVP Cosmology Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically
Water and Magnetism
Water Gas
Water Hammer
Water Has Memory
Water in the Body
Water Radiolysis
Water Vortex