Fieldless Armature Spins Without Magnetic Field (sometimes called ball bearing motor)
To illustrate rotation you may might want to build this fascinating demonstration. It seemingly defies everything electrical science tells us about motors and fields. I was shown this device by Troy Reed several years ago (1994?) and have done more research with it. Others have successfully replicated and demonstrated this instrument (see video below). The armature will readily rotate without a physically present magnetic field at startup. (The armature creates its own magnetic field when initially rotated.)
The device pictured below can be made from junk parts.
We used a trashed generator from an old Bell-47 helicopter attached to a 2X4.

Device was an armature from a helicopter generator.
All magnets and wires have been removed. The 3/8" shaft is mounted with two ball bearings, one on each end.
The bearings are held in place by strips of sheet metal wrapped over the bearings and tacked to the 2X4.

Connecting unit with auto battery cables. Makes no difference which pole is connected to which bearing mount.
Armature spins in either direction when nudged into motion. Use a fresh 12 volt car battery.
How/why does it rotate?
7/22/94 6:03:38 AM
Message/Reading by Dawn Stranges
Q.: Why does stripped armature work?
A.: This is a result of tertiary forces not suspected or factored by most of you. There is a sine wave generated by the dielectric.
Q.: Where is the dielectric?
A.: There is something in the ... around the armature.
Q.: Dielectric = the degasing of the metals; creation of toroidal field because of current; armature spins in reaction to spin of toroidal spin.
"Their coil of motion, which caused the division, turns but one way, just as the sphere which you have held between your hands, turns but one way. The particles have been ejected from that coil in an angle of 90 degrees from their plane of motion yet it is now held that these particles turn right-handed from one end to turn in the direction of its motion, and particles ejected from the other end turn left-handed for the same reason." [Atomic Suicide, page 282-283]

Here is the same thing but with AC.