“Diffraction rings are wave spheres in sections. They have an orderly rhythmic, mathematical and geometric relation to the sphere, the cube and whatever lenses occur when light waves interact. This diagram gives that mathematical relation. Sphere marked A indicates a miniature of the large diagram within which a lens is drawn as shown in sphere B as small scale. The exact width of each white and dark space is thus determinable with mathematical precision.” [Dr. Walter Russell]

(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)

(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)
See Also
atom rings atomic rings carbon rings compressing rings Concentric Rings Diffraction electric rings electric thought-rings electric thought-rings of motion Electricity records Mind-thought in Rings of Light Figure 14.06 - Mind and Electric Thought Rings of Motion are Closely Connected Figure 15.06 - Thought Rings of Motion Figure 2.1 - Mind condenses into matter via Tonal Rings between Planes Figure 2.1.5 - Russells Rings forming Spheres from Three Pairs of Reflecting Mirrors Figure 20.13 - Two Rings - Outer and Inner four concentric light rings four motionless rings four pairs of projecting rings four rings four rings of the inert gas four sexless rings hole-centered rings inner whisperings Light Rings formed at 90 Degrees to Magnetic Center Line mate rings Mind Thought Rings of Motion Mind-centered rings octave pairs of rings pairs of spinning rings Part 22 - Solar Rings and Planetary Formation RESONATING RINGS rings rings of electric potential rings of motion rings within rings SolarRingsChart1 SolarRingsChart2 SolarRingsChart3 SolarRingsChart4 SolarRingsChart5 SolarRingsChart6 Spinning rings spiral rings united pairs of rings 2.1 - Rings and Spheres