
Chapter 9 - The Mind Nucleus of the Atom - VI - Conclusion, page 205

[p. 205]


You should plainly see by this time that the intent of Creation is to dramatize the Idea of Love, by expressing it in action and reaction. Love is one idea, the One Idea of Creation. To express Love the Idea must be divided into separated halves. To fulfill Love the two halves must be united as one. Halves of one must be equal, therefore, their actions and reactions must be equal and simultaneously created. The only action which can express Love is the action of giving. The only equal and opposite of giving is regiving. The One is divided - the two divisions simultaneously exist. If the action of giving extends from one it equally and simultaneously extends from the other. If equal giving and regiving of each half are simultaneously expressed the product of that fulfillment is Love.

Can you not see, therefore, that the one great age-long lesson of life is to learn how to balance every transaction of life in such a manner that givings and regivings between pairs of opposites are equal? That is all there is to learn, for that is all there is in Nature. Creation consists of multiple electric wave units. In every cyclic unit of Creation the Law of Love is expressed to perfection, as demonstrated in one cycle of the electric current.

Can you not see, also, that the reason why man's world is in such chaos is because man has hardly begun to learn that lesson of the aeons? His givings are few but his takings are many. His empires have been constructed upon his takings, which he is now losing and will continue to lose, until he has balanced them with givings.

Can you not see, therefore, that ONE WORLD of PEACE is far away into the long generations of learning that one simple lesson of rhythmic balanced interchange in every transaction of man, as it is in Nature?

[p. 206]

That law of man which reads: "Actions and reactions are equal and opposite," should be rewritten as follows to conform to Nature: "Equal and opposite actions and reactions are simultaneously created and sequentially repeated." In exemplification of this law we urge a careful study of figures 53, 54, 55, 56, and 57. Every transaction in Nature is repeated in each of these examples, whether it be the casting of a pebble, or the creation of a sun. In an entire solar system its balanced transactions are so perfectly in keeping with the Law of Love that one can calculate to a split second the exact time and position of any planet a thousand years from now. Conformity with that one law is the only way that mankind can ever find peace, happiness and prosperity in a unified world. How long shall it be before you, yourself, shall find it? In that is the answer to world-unity, for you are the seed of the world. What you become the world becomes from your givings.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday May 5, 2018 03:21:32 MDT by Dale Pond.