God, the One Knower, becomes three by His imagining. The still Light of the Knower, and the moving lights of His thinking, are the Trinity which God is in all things in this universe.
God, the One Father-Mother divides His sexlessness to extend

(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
(click to enlarge)
Fig. 19 illustrates the entire process of creating – and recreating matter. The Father-Mother electrically divides His ONENESS into pairs of father and mother bodies. The electrical strain of seperation is equalled by an opposite strain, or tension, of desire for ONENESS. Unity thus attained is repeated in similar electrically dividing and uniting pulsations, forever.
father and mother bodies from His Oneness. The one desire of these separated male and female particles, or masses, is to unite to void their separateness. Upon this formula God's electric universe of motion is founded.
The sexless Father-Mother Creator is One. His extended sex-conditioned, male and female bodies are the completion of His Trinity.
Rest and action are three. Space and matter are three. Equilibrium and motion are three. Dimensions and pressures are three. The heartbeat of the universe, and yours, are three. Likewise, its breathings and yours, its temperatures and yours, and all things else of the universe, and you, are three.
The swinging of the pendulum is three, as the spectrum and the fulcrum and lever, also, are three.
The cathode is one - but its extended pairs of anodes in the electric current of man, and of space, adds up to three.
Silence is one - but sound springs from silence when its divided moving pair collide - so sound is three, and its vibrations in sequences of rest and action, are also three.
God is ONE in all CAUSE - but in all EFFECT He is three. And all that are three are nine - for all that are three are multiplied by three in this visible cube dominated universe of three dimensions.
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