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The real fallacy of nuclear fission for industry is that these so-called deadly poisonous gases from the radioactive elements in reactors, and in the waste products, which are encased in concrete and buried in the sea to protect human life from their admitted danger, are not poisons in their own environment underground, where they are serving a necessary purpose of helping to make it possible for organic life to live upon this planet. Man makes them poisonous by removing them from their purposeful environment to place them in an abnormal environment unsuited to their normal environment.
Animal and vegetable life are dependent upon the upper few feet of the earth's crust to live. The soil must have humus, nitrogen, carbonic gas, oxygen and water. These so-called deadly radioactive poisons are preparing the soil for oxygen dependent
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life to live by causing countless billions of microscopic explosions in the rock formations underground to release water and other necessities for human life and vegetation. That is all GOOD. In their proper place in Nature they are fulfilling their necessary useful purposes. They are vitally necessary where they are. They are of benefit to man when underground or distributed in rocks. It is only when we dig them out from under the ground and condense tons of harmless rock to ounces of deadly free metal, such as uranium piles, that we make the earth uninhabitable for man.
Think also of the hundreds of millions of years Nature has to work to decay solid rock and metal planets sufficiently to create enough decayed surface, and an atmosphere, for organic life to become possible. Mercury has no atmosphere, nor even a grass blade. Its rock surface is so hot that lead would melt there. Venus is also hot rock but a soil has begun there, and water is probably there now, but only as steam vapor, for the temperature on Venus is higher than boiling point. Our earth has had a soil and atmosphere sufficient for simple forms of life, ever since it reached its seventy or eighty million mile mark from the sun. The radioactive metals made that possible. They belong underground just as dead animal bodies belong underground. Radioactive metals are dead and dying bodies. That is what is not yet known of them. There are twenty-two of them which are killer metals if we take them away from their rock environment underground in Nature and make them a part of man's environment above ground.
There are many metals which will not hurt you, such as iron, copper, gold, silver and many others. This we will clarify in the next chapter in relation to Fig. 5. You can live among thousands of living men without being poisoned, but you cannot live upon the breath of living men without dying from their poison. You cannot in fact, live upon your own out breathings. You would soon die from your own poison. Digging dead and dying metals from underground where their outbreathing is giving fertile soil for organic life, is like digging dead animals from where they are being transformed into living vegetable and animal life. Every
farmer must put death under his ground in order to reap life above it.
The Curies procured a few grams of radium from many tons of earth. Those few grams of dead metals would spread their quick death to every cell of your body if you put them in your pocket, but they would not harm you in the slightest if you slept upon the ground above them. The radioactive metals are giving out their quick death to the rocks in which they are embedded for the purpose of expanding the rocks into the soil and water which mothers life. It should not be dug up from the ground to expand human beings into quick death. If you would have a good example of their purpose in life, which is beneficial to humanity, witness the great bare rock mountains of the west which are only a few million years old. Compare them with soil covered, tree covered, very much older eastern mountains, such as the Blue Ridge, White Mountains and Catskills where the soil is deep above them and waterfalls and brooks are abundant.
Water and soil are decayed and dying rock. They are, literally, dead rocks. Out of death in Nature life springs, and when life above ground is dead it gives new life to the death of earth. These are the things which mankind must know. It knows too little about life and death, and how each one interchanges with the other to make death live and make life die. This is so fundamental a part of the process of Nature that you would be very much more interested in her whole processes if you would but give more thought to this one. Take note, for example, that the moment a peach in the dish on your table becomes over ripe you will see fruit flies hovering over it. They were born from it, and other less complex life forms were born from it before that, just as millions of microbes and other primitive life forms are born in your living body, and more complex ones will be born from your dead body. You do not realize that all of your body is not wholly alive all the time. Part of you is always dead or dying, up to your maturity. After that all of them are slowly dying. The millions of microbes which await more full life in you are harmless to you while you can charge your body sufficiently to insulate your life from their death. About two pounds of your body dies
every day, and the millions of dead bodies which are in that two pounds would kill your live body if you took them back into your metabolism again. Have you ever thought of that? Great cities must have great sanitation departments to guard against just that.
Have you ever thought that your every in breath charges you with power to live, and every out breath is death? That means that you are perpetually living and dying thirty or forty times a minute. More amazing still - if you will but give deep thought to it - is the fact that whatever lives in you is not a poison to you, but whatever of your own body which does not live will poison you. You breathe in living oxygen which comes to you from the earth and its foliage. It dies in you and you breathe out a deadly poison known as carbon dioxide. That carbon dioxide is not poison to the ground, however. It is food to the ground. The earth breathes in that food and breathes it out as oxygen, which is poison to it but life to you. Have you ever thought of that? Have you ever thought that the water you drink, the air you breathe, and the food you eat, comes from the dead and decaying body of this planet, and that every living body which dies and is returned to the earth, recharges the earth with renewed life? You probably have never given this a thought. We ask you to do so now, in order that you will more fully understand this next step in your understanding of life, death and immortality, in addition to beginning to know your universe.
This is your next step. We have pictured your simultaneously living-dying body. You must now know that all bodies in all the universe are the same in all respects, whether they are electrons, cells, rocks, metals, trees, men, planets or suns. All of them live and die in the same manner. All breathe in the charging breath of life and breathe out the discharging breath of death. All of them compress heat and polarize when they breathe in, and expand, cool and depolarize when they breathe out.
Why is this? It is because all bodies are made of - and by - electric waves, and every characteristic of the electric current is a life and death alternation. The entirety of Creation lives and dies in sequences. With this thought in mind consider the body of this earth in the same way that you would consider your own
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(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)
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(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)
body. Parts of the earth's body are dead, and other parts are dying, just as parts of your body are dead and others are dying. Just as the slight decay of an over ripe peach will not hurt you, while a fully decayed one might kill you, so, likewise, the "over ripe" chemical elements of the earth, which are not too far from carbon will not hurt you, while the farther they are beyond carbon the more deadly they become, and the more impossible it is to guard yourself from their quick death. See Fig. 5. This is the lesson of life and death which you must first know. Step by step you will know its whole process. You will then be ready to know "where you go after you die," and fully comprehend it.
Now think of the life and death of a planet as you would think of the life and death of your own body. You fully know that your own body grows to maturity - say at forty - when it is more virile than at any other age. That means that every cell in your body is more virile than that same cell could be at sixty, or eighty. At forty your body cells are true spheres and small, fast turning rings. At sixty the cells have become very much flattened at their poles as our earth is doing, and their surfaces are beginning to wrinkle with many rings, like Jupiter, just as an old face wrinkles with many lines. At eighty rings are actually thrown off at equa-
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tors, like the rings of Saturn. These rings are dead cells of Saturn's still living body. An old man of ninety is still living but all of his cells are dying faster than he can replace them. This is an important fact for you to understand. Your car battery will help you comprehend the whole principle of the long slow years of dying. When it is charging while you are running it, that shows that its power to generate life is greater than its power to degenerate by discharge. The old age of anything, whether man, electron or planet, means that the galvanometer needle of its life current is showing more discharge than charge, even though it is charging some.
We herein print pictures of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn to illustrate three such stages of slow dying. They are all of them generating life from the pressures of the sun, but they are dying faster than they can live. See Figs. 3 and 4.
The earth is a dying cell thrown off from the sun. It cannot maintain its spherical form. It is flattening at the poles and cannot keep in balance with its system by remaining on the plane of the sun's equator. It is in the very early stages of preparing to throw off more rings such as its first one which has wound up to become a moon. The growth of deserts around its equator is the first early stage of that period. Mars has grown very much older. It still has water but oxygen dependent life is nearing its end upon it. Deserts take up a large area of it and it is more oblate than the earth.
For a good example of old age witness the wrinkled, expanded, oblate body of Jupiter. It has thrown off many rings, and is preparing to throw off more. Nature always throws off its rings in series of four. Near the surface of Jupiter you will see one series which have wound up into moons. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the last series thrown off by our sun. Jupiter has expanded to probably three or four times its original size, and is whirling itself to its centrifugal death with ever increasing acceleration. In the still more oblate Saturn you see three of its next series of rings before they have wound up around a newly established gravitative center. This study of the way planets and suns die will clearly illustrate to you how your body dies.
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The above thoughts have been given you for the express purpose of building up in you a full comprehension that man is now attempting to build an environment of death upon the surface of this planet, which has for so many aeons been trying to build up an environment for life. He is creating an abnormal environment within which animal and vegetable life cannot possibly live. We desire to show you why radioactive fission, in large quantities, and oxygen cannot co-exist. These elements are fully alive while in their own environment. By taking them out from that environment they become corpses of themselves. To spread these huge ten ton reactor corpses throughout the world, and the countless billions of microscopic ones, so that they are in every breath we breathe, every bit of food we eat and in the water we drink, will eventually be like forcing you to again breathe in a gradually increasing percentage of your own dead breath.
[Return to Atomic Suicide - the book]