
Arthur C. Aho

Mr. Aho grew into manhood during the trying years of the great depression of the late 1920's and the 30's. He became self supporting at a time when attention was on making a livelihood, and advanced education seemed of secondary importance. Because of this, his education was an individualized learning, befitting whatever interest or occupation was being pursued. In other words he was not influenced to believe all preconceived ideas of the past that had been adopted to be accreditated education.

Abo's highest scores on aptitude tests are the capability to understand or to know, whether it be written topics or how mechanical and electronic devices work. This ability to know has served him well in both work and play. He has mastered work and travel on land, sea and air and used all of them to live a well rounded life experience. His ability, however, did not stop at the borders of the physical, this writing is proof of that.

Early in life, Mr. Abo became aware of the difference between psychic inspirations and more subtle mystical inspirations, and recognized that they are two distinct mental levels of Life. A psychic is one who shows evidence of being sensitive to supernatural forces and influences bordering the physical. A mystical person is one who is aware of spiritual sensations not apparent to the intellect or the senses. In other words, a mystic can mentally attune to be influenced by Ultimate Reality. Mr. Aho may well be classed as a mystic.

Knowing that Life is much more than what it appears to be to the physical senses, brought him a greater sense of freedom than is possible when one feels trapped by one's surroundings. He has often been referred to as a free spirit and a free thinker.

Tomorrow's Energy

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday November 18, 2018 07:20:21 MST by Dale Pond.