Music is a system of pulses of a given frequency fitted into a specific time reference. i.e., so many notes sounded within a given measure (of time). This would result in a long cycle modulated with intermittent higher frequency tones. This appears to be especially true in the case of triplets (three tones sounded where two are timed for). This division of a unit of time is Russell's Universal Constant aptly described in The Universal One, page 106-110; also see 12.02 - Universal Energy Unit Constant or Impulse. The table below shows Time divisions as decimals (Base 10) as also fractions and multiples of Base Two ratios.
Name | Note/Symbol | Interval | Numeric |
Megasecond | Ms | one million seconds | 1,000,000/1 |
Kilosecond | ks | one thousand seconds | 1,000/1 |
Hectosecond | hs | one hundred seconds | 100/1 |
Decasecond | das | ten seconds | 10/1 |
Breve | double whole note | two seconds | 2/1 |
Semibreve | whole-note | 'half a breve', longest note-value normally used in modern notation, one second | 1/1 |
Minim | half-note | half a semibreve or second | 1/2 |
Crotchet | quarter-note | fourth part of a semibreve or second and twice the value of a quaver | 1/4 |
Quaver | eighth-note | note which is half length of a crotchet, and eighth of a semibreve or second | 1/8 |
Decisecond | ds | one tenth of a second | 1/10 |
SemiQuaver | sixteenth-note | note with half time value of a quaver, and sixteenth time value of a semibreve or second | 1/16 |
Hemidemisemiquaver | sixty-fourth note | quarter of a semiquaver or 1/64th of a semibreve or second | 1/64 |
centisecond | cs | one hundredth of a second | 1/100 |
Semihemidemisemiquaver | one hundred-twenty-eighth note | note with half time value of a hemidemisemiquaver and 128th time value of a semibreve or second | 1/128 |
Millisecond | ms | one thousandth of a second | 1/1,000 |
Microsecond | µs | one millionth of a second | 1/1,000,000 |
Nanosecond | ns | one billionth of a second | 1/1,000,000,000 |
Picosecond | ps | one trillionth of a second | 1/1,000,000,000,000 |
Femtosecond | fs | one quadrillionth of a second | 1/1,000,000,000,000,000 |
Attosecond | as | one quintillionth of a second | 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
These divisions of Time correspond to Russell's division and multiplication of volume, energy and so forth (see Part 12 - Russells Locked Potentials - Locked Potentials) - more amplification of the Square Law and its inverse. Time also corresponds reciprocally and proportionately to wavelength, frequency, period and propagation rate.

See Also
9.32 - Time
12.23 - Time orbit period
12.24 - Time spin period
12.37 - Axial rotation
12.38 - Orbital revolution
Exchanging Time for Power at Center or North
Figure 9.12 - Scale of Locked Potentials over Time
Universal Constant
Vedic Time Cycles