
7.21 - Twelfth

"Next in order of consideration is the second subdivision of matter - the atomic. The atom has the same rotating envelope as the molecule, governed by the same laws of rotation and compression. The rotating envelope holds in its embrace the interatomic substance and three atomoles resting in it, the atomoles within the atom being constructed after the same pattern as the atom and the molecule, obedient to the same laws; the atomolic being simply the third subdivision of matter. The threefold order is absolutely universal." Keely, 1893

Return to 7.9 - Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena

"The octave of the fifth is the twelfth." Wikipedia, Fifth

Speaking of acute harmonics Pole says - "The first six are the only ones usually considered to be of any practical importance, and it is rarely possible to distinguish more than 10 or 12."
Mercenne (French, 1636) says - "Every string produces 5 or more sounds at the same instant, the strongest of which is called the natural sound of the string, and alone is accustomed to be taken notice of; for the others are so feeble that they are only perceptible to delicate ears . . . not only the octave and fifteenth, but also the twelfth and major seventeenth are always heard; and over and above these I have perceived the twenty-third and ninth partial tones in the dying away of the natural sound."[Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 59]

Keely's Chart showing how Molecules are made of three Atoms made of three Quanta made of three sub-quanta
(click to enlarge)
"For behold, My imaged universe is mirrored to infinity; it is repeated to the endless end; yet there are but multiples of three in all My universe. And again I say to thee, two of those very three are naught but My imaginings, for My Trinity is but One.
"The two are in Me, and they are of Me, but they are not Me, nor am I them." Russell, The Message of the Divine Iliad, The Secret of Light, page 138

The "two of those very three" are of course the positive and negative polarities which we call entropy and syntropy.
Chart showing the triune arrangement of the different atoms and corpuscles of matter as contained in their respective envelopes (free of intensified vibration). Drawn by John W. Keely.

Figure 7.13 - Keely's Chart showing how Molecules are made of three Atoms made of three Quanta made of three sub-quanta, etc.

See Also


See Also

Etheric Elements
Keelys Forty Laws
Part 25 - Keelys Wonderful Charts of Vibratory Etheric Science

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday November 1, 2020 04:52:01 MST by Dale Pond.