Two adjacent centers dispersing simultaneously will throw their dispersing influence against each others' extensions. For example, if these two centers are east and west of each other the east center will extend its sympathetic outreach until it encounters the neutralized dispersion field from the west center coming in the opposite direction and in opposite phase. The east center will send out a westerly field of influence or Outreach while the west center will extend an easterly Outreach. These outreaches are mirror images (opposite phase) of each other and will cancel or void (sum to zero polarity-wise) one another upon contact creating Russell's Plane of Inertia or Neutrality; i.e. one of the six walls of the Cube. Being equal there will be a plane of non-resistance or mutual annihilation or voiding of the Outreach by its opposite at this Cube Wall or Plane of Voiding or zero amplitude. This plane will be neutral having qualities of both outreaches yet itself manifesting no polarization. It will be depolar waiting to be changed by desire of will force. Considering each center has six directions or vectors to extend into and draw from there will form six planes forming a virtual cube around each center. Therefore each of the six planes formed thusly will have their own discrete identities yet remain sympathetic to their originating or borning center. Computing degree of polarization (energy) of radiations from E at a and b would show relative quantities according to Square Law or in Time when shown as equal. Either computation of which would show a spread of differential densities along the Plane of Inertia leading to inevitable rotation of the centers.

Figure 6.3 - Cube with Orthogonal Vectors
(click to enlarge)