Double interpenetrating vortices will form into a sphere forming around the depolar magnetic shaft which extends through the centers of the spinning vortices. It is surmised these swirling wave patterns will not interefere with one another just as water waves do not interfere with each other, although they may momentarily and locally add or subtract amplitudes as they form zones (Stria) of high and low tensions.

Figure 5.5 - Double Interpenetrating Vortex.
(scan courtesy of University of Science & Philosophy)
(click to enlarge)

See Also
Double Vortex
double-spiral pipe
double screw-form wave motion
double vortex
Figure 7.8 - Gravity is the Life Sex and Power Principle
5.6 - Vortex Forming Spheres
12.25 - Sex

See Also
double screw-form wave motion
double spiral wave motion
double spiral
3.03 - Vortexial Motion
3.10 - Vortex Motions result in Appearance of Form
3.14 - Vortex Theory of Atomic Motions
3.23 - Hydrodynamic Equations - Vortex Motions
4.5 - Triple Rotary or Vortex Motions
5.1 - Vortex Formation
5.2 - Vortex Motions in Resonators
5.3 - Vortex Motion in Ether and Atoms
5.6 - Vortex Forming Spheres
Double Vortex
Figure 13.05a - Complex Vortex Rotational Dynamics
Figure 2.13 - Swirling Vortex around Neutral Centering Shaft
Figure 3.18 - All Motion is Vortex Motion
Figure 3.21 - Vortex or Gyroscopic Motions as Conflicts or Antagonisms between Light and Dark
Figure 3.22 - Vortex or Gyroscopic Motions as Conflicts or Antagonisms between Light and Dark Zones
Figure 3.23 - Vortex or Gyroscopic Motions as Conflicts or Antagonisms between Light and Dark Zones
Figure 4.5 - Compound Gyroscopic or Vortex Motions
Figure 5.13 - Babbitt Atom constructed of Compound Vortexial Motions
Figure 5.3 - Vortex or Gyroscopic Motion is Natural and occurs ubiquitously
Figure 5.4 - Vortex and Gyroscopic Motion on One Plane then on three forming Sphere
Figure 5.5 - Double Interpenetrating Vortex
Figure 6.1 - Orthogonal Vortex Motion as Structural base of Cubes
Figure 7.1 - Step 1 - Wave Vortex Crests at Maximum Polarization
Figure 7.2 - Step 2 - Vortex Formation about a Single Axis
Figure 7B.12 - Sympathetic Affinity Attraction forming Vortex