
18.01 - Introduction

Keely was obviously a unique individual who was able to cut a wide swath through so many unknowns.

Keely could write a symbol on a wall and a machine across the room would activate. This shows he intimately understood all involved mechanisms and their connections/relationships. The thought pattern created by/with a graphic symbol can be FFTed to its component frequencies. Small wonder then he has been ignored all these years - because no one had the slightest clue what he was doing. He knew intimately mind to matter and motion; thought patterns relating to chordal vibration patterns, etc. And it is these relationships apparently hinted at in his brain charts. Keely regarded the brain convolutions as "acoustic resonators" that can be excited much as any other resonator. And we now know something about the power of the mind (both whole and differentiated) to activate motions in our environment. 

These brain charts represent the tones usable in the above methodology. Keely called these "thought tones" the Dominant chord. In old alchemy it could have been called the Philosopher's Stone because it (thought) was able to change everything else but it itself remained unchanged. I suspect the Chakras being differentiated thought are keyed or sympathetic to the areas of the brain designated by Keely. These tones are relative to the Chakra System which are considered as differentiated Mind or Consciousness.

This topic Mind in Matter has been touched on by such great thinkers as Quimby, Russell, Cayce and Princeton University PEAR Project. The latter having recently proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that mind can and does effect matter and our environment. The SVP work has been to decipher just how that takes place. Some articles and perspective on this at the SVPForum

Created by Trene. Last Modification: Wednesday December 14, 2011 12:24:30 MST by Trene.