The Neutral Zone or Undifferentiated Mind or the Aetheric state of matter and energy is the proverbial God so many speak of but know not. This state of being simply is since it is depolar having no motion, no dimension, no Time and no Space but paradoxically containing all that is and may be in a Latent State ready to be called forth into materiality at the beck of a thought. This Neutral Zone is the depolar Planes of Inertia. This state may be approached by the mind of man through meditation or prayer wherein the intellectual (polar) thinking mind is quieted and thereby clarified into a depolar (non-active) state. This state of perfect quiet or perfect peace of mind is the same mechanically or vibrationally as the Undifferentiated Mind of Diety. Through and by way of this stillness of mind, meditation or consciousness one may know that state of mind called Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness. This is the scalar wave domain so many speak of but cannot define or place within a larger perspective. It is a state of Pure Potential and it is sympathetically linked everywhere and every time regardless of Time or Space. Every vibration has its neutral plane between anode and cathode or Trough and Crest and these neutrals are sympathetically linked throughout the universe regardless of Time and Space. Also consider the identical similarity between quantized centralizations where between there would be sympathetic links or quantum entanglements across the galaxies. This universal phenomena of sympathetic affinities shows us the universe is indeed constructed of and held together by Love or sympathy.

Franz Hartmann
“Man is the god and creator of his own little world, and therefore similar processes take place when a person, by the power of introspection, directs his thoughts towards his own centre of consciousness within his 'heart.' Now this activity going towards the centre could never of itself have created an external world, because the external world belongs to the periphery, and it requires a centrifugal power to call it into existence.
The introspective activity of the Mind is a centripetal power, and could therefore not act from the centre towards the periphery. But you know that every action is followed by a reaction. The centripetal power, finding resistance at the centre, returns and evolves a centrifugal activity, and this centrifugal power is called Imagination.
This Soul-energy is the medium between the centre and the periphery, between Spirit and Matter, between the Creator and His creations, between God and Nature, or whatever names you may choose to give to them. The Soul-consciousness is the product of the centrifugal activity of the Mind, put into action by the centripetal activity of the Will.” [With the Adepts, An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians, c. 1910 by Franz Hartmann]
See Also
cerebral centers
Christ Consciousness
Connecting Link
Figure 1.6 - From One Mind comes all. All goes back to One Mind
Figure 9.1 - Sympathy Connecting Neutral Centers
Mind to Mind
Quantum Field
Soul of Matter
Sympathetic Association
Sympathetic Concordance
The Connecting Link Between Mind and Matter - Keelys Progress - Part 2
Trinity of Matter and Force
Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter
"MacVicar, says of the creation of matter: "In the ether are constructed groups of ethereal elements generating material elements. The ethereal atmospheres tend to become confluent or spherical and the individualized nuclei seek juxtaposition, thereby forming molecules." Keely and His Discoveries
Today Macvicar's statement is a given but in the mid 1800s it was revolutionary and helped Keely form his ideas.
These primordial energy states possess certain attractive or sympathetic properties.
See Also
Connecting Link
Etheric Elements
Mind and Matter
Mind in Matter
Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter