
Attraction and Repulsion 138

RETURN to Book 02 - Chapter 11 - Attraction and Repulsion

The accompanying drawing will show clearly how all of our familiar and safe wind pressures are upset when opposing whirlwind cones sweep over the land.

 All effects of motion are whirlwinds. [See 3.03 - Vortexial Motion]

 The nearer the gravitative center, the greater the whirlwind.

 The solar system is a whirlwind with Mercury swirling swiftly near the gravitative center where the vast pressures whirl it around the sun in eighty-eight days at a speed of about thirty miles each second, against the earth's eighteen miles, Jupiter's eight and Neptune's leisurely three miles per second.

 The gravitative center of any mass in motion is the point of greatest density and least speed of rotation.

 The center of any rotating mass is the point of least axial speed. [See Figure 18.15 - From One Still Mind comes all Force and Motion by Differentiation]

 Motion ceases at the vortex of a whirlpool in the equilibrium of maximum motion-in-opposition.

 Magnetic streams flow universally toward the south just as electric streams flow universally toward the north. Electric streams degenerate into magnetic streams, which find their south at the bases of cones in which the maximum motion is always in the plane of the equator of the rotating mass. [See Double Vortex]

 These are the planes of radiation where the maximum radioactive force is near the equator, the hottest part of the surface of any mass. The centers of the bases of the generative cones are at the poles of rotation, the coldest part of any mass.

 Mass is disintegrated by a magnetic force exerted equatorially just as it is integrated by an electric force exerted axially.

 Just as the phenomenon of attraction is caused by the flow of a centripetal stream whirling spirally, with ever increasing swiftness, toward the vortex in the apex of the cone of its spiral, so is the phenomenon of repulsion caused by the flow of a centrifugal stream whirling spirally, with ever decreasing swiftness, toward the base of the cone of its spiral. [See Figure 3.16 - Idea Preceeds Manifestation in Material Form using Cubes and Cones]

 The electric stream displaces substance by accumulating the universal constant, under increasingly higher pressure equilibriums, into relatively solid masses, and the magnetic stream diffuses that solidity into tenuity by releasing those high pressures. [See universal constant of energy, universal energy constant, 12.02 - Universal Energy Unit Constant or Impulse]

Affinity, in the chemical sense, and attraction in the electrical sense, are analogous. [See Syntropy, Assimilation]

Both are effects of gravitation.

The attraction of gravitation is but a resultant of centripetal force of which deceleration of the speed-time dimension of the universal constant and acceleration of power-time is the condition precedent.

Unequal valency, in the chemical sense, and repulsion in the magnetic sense, are analogous. [See entropy, dispersion]

 The repulsion of radiation is but a resultant of centrifugal force of which acceleration of speed-time dimension of the universal constant and deceleration of power-time is the condition precedent.

 The preponderance of one of the opposites of motion is, therefore, the condition which must be present in mass in order that it may be preponderant in its ability either to attract or to repel.

 Substance, then, merely appears to attract or to repel, and that appearance is relative.

 Both forces are equal. A preponderance of one is balanced in its opposite by a preponderance of the other. The two, added together, cause an appearance of stability which is maintained, for a time, by motion.

The relative ability of a substance to attract and to repel is in the same ratio as the increase or decrease of the opposing pressures and other dimensions which determine the potential of a charging or discharging system.

In any mass the apparent ability to attract increases with increase of positive charge and decrease of volume; also the apparent ability to repel increases with increase of negative discharge and decrease of volume.


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday May 17, 2017 04:24:18 MDT by Dale Pond.